Name: Jackie Chiang
Website: The
Sailor Senshi PageComments: Why is
this page ridiculous and ignorant? Maybe because
basically you seem to think that the Quartet's
sole purpose in life is to bash poor pages that
don't deserve it. Hmm, actually most of them do
deserve the 'bashing.' If you'd actually visited
most of the sites that the Quartet reviewed you
could see why they're the worst. If you believe
that every single page is made out of love and
joy and hard work and should be respected, you
should think again. Not everything in life is
created out of genuine positive feeling/desire.
The Quartet's also helped end a lot of
plagiarizing of my page and my friends' pages; I
do not believe that plagiarizing comes out of
hard work and dedication, and if you do, then
you're deluded.
Oh wait, I forgot. You seem to think that so
as long as no one decides to rip off my fanfics,
anything else that is in the realm of 'stealing'
is okay. Even though I spend ungodly amounts of
time scanning and editing and FTPing, the pics
aren't mine and should be avaliable for the
general public to take advantage of that hard
work, stick it up on their page someplace in two
point five minutes, and give me no credit
whatsoever. That's all fine and dandy with you
because they're not my pics, I didn't create
them. To me, that's a fairly good excuse for
disrespectfulness and laziness.
It's even okay to have someone plagiarize my
page because over all, I'm not doing anything
new, am I? I'm just giving information and my
opinions about something I didn't create; mine is
just a 'fan' page. People who say that all pages
should be respected because the authors worked
hard on them are paradoxically also giving those
same authors room to lessen that 'hard work' by
stealing and plagiarizing.
I also would like to know what makes you think
that people who create webpages and edit images
and make movie clips [and FTP them without T1s at
that] and make music files spend any less time
and energy than those who write fanfics or draw
fanart? Aren't fanfics and fanart just that-
'fan' fics and 'fan' art? Meaning that the
writers are creating fiction based on preset
characters and/or stories not created by them?
Meaning that the 'fan' art are just artists
drawing pictures of already made characters not
invented by them? What makes the six hours spent
scanning and editing images so much less
important than the six hours spent writing a
I haven't yet found a place where the Quartet
has said that they hate all DIC pages and that
those dedicated to NASM must be burned.
Automatically, simply because the Quartet is
doing something sensible in being against
mixing information from both versions on the same
page, they're anti-DIC? If that's so, then I
should have a field day with your blessing in
creating a page where I throw in the Japanese
original with the French, German, NASM,
Portuguese, and the Chinese versions of SM, all
without distinction.
For some reason you find fault with the
Quartet's suggestions and guides on creating
webpages. I think if you actually bothered to
read it, you'd find a large amount of good advice
in it; if you think otherwise, then I'd have to
question whether you have any clear taste
You also think that just because the Quartet
criticizes something, they automatically think
that they're goddesses. I'm guessing you're not a
fan of movie critics, taste testers, book
reviewers [fanfic reviewers], or anything at all
If that last assumption is correct- it being
the only logical conclusion I can assume with any
favorable opinion towards you- then you're
hypocrites. The fact that you created a page
attacking another page is going against the very
principal you're upholding.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe the
Quartet put some effort and hard work into their
page? Nah... Couldn't be. They're just control
freaks with their Big Brothers monitoring
computer screens across the world, waiting for
the dissenters to rise up so that they can smush
Your childishness is evident in the entire
page but best of all in your guestbook- you
resort to defending yourselves because you were
five years old and already reading, because you
have IQs of 24000 point seven, because you're
such strong high school girls making 4.5 averages
who can take anything that enemies throw at you.
I think I speak for most when I say, "Whoop
de doo."
And last, you know what? Some people actually
have a thing called taste. The Quartet has good
ideas and good reasons and has enough terrible
pages to show why its service is necessary. It's
amusing that the Quartet refuses to link to your
page out of good taste; doubtless you would get
more respect if you actually made this a serious
page with backed-up reasoning to support your
superficial opinions.
Oh yes, before I forget, loved that line
referring to me in your image thievery
complaints. It's a shame I actually care enough
about my page to make it unique and interesting
that I spend so much time on it, right? Geez, I'd
hate to think that you were criticizing me for
trying to have a... good page. And here I thought
you were the righteous defenders of all pages...
Guess not. [Or do I get too many hits on my page
to count?]
Name: Ruby Emerald
Comments: Ms. Chiang, I have a question
- why in the hell would you spend hours scanning
and editing a bunch of pictures knowing damn well
that someone else will take them? That's wasting
time. I've got a scanner and some rare SM cards,
and I'm a little hesitant to put scan them and
put them up because someone might take them and
then they wouldn't be so rare anymore. Images
aren't the only thing that gives a page
originality. Perhaps you already know this. Duh.
Obviously you're sooo much smarter and mature
than anyone else on the Internet, right? Why, you
got a scholarship to Harvard or something?
Valedictorian of your class (of you're a senior)?
Why do you automatically assume (and this goes to
Mara K. too)that anyone who has opinions
different than yours has got to be stupid? This
page has humor potential. Sure, maybe it does
have a double standard. But there are millions of
copmedians in Hollywood that have done the same
thing that the Ayakshi have done and nobody's
accusing them of being childish and immature. Go
ahead. Tell me I'm wrong, you and your narrow
minded self. Yes, it's wrong to take someone's
images and information. But the only way to get
rid of this problem is to hack into people's
accounts and screw up their pages, and that's
illegal as well as stealing. For some, 'bashing'
a page is helpful. Take EmmanGod for example.
His/her page was reviewed by the AQ themselves
and he was grateful for it. Others aren't
thankful. Here's a proposition. Why not ask the
person if they want their page publicly reviewed?
It could make a world of a difference, because as
I said before, some people can take criticism,
others can't. As for images, I'm really sorry
that people are taking your images, Jackie, and
anyone else who has this problem. Perhaps someday
there'll be some kind of program that can prevent
plagiarism and stealing images. I think that the
Quartet is doing a noble cause. Sure, they could
be a little nicer, but that's not the point. And
this page is really entertaining for me. I like
parodies. I can't help it. Well, I'm gonna go eat
dinner. I'll be expecting some flames now, since
SOME people can't handle different opinions ^_^
Name: Velius
Trotas shmotas, tapmsampa shpmapsapa...
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when
we practice to deceive."
Yeah! Let's establish an organization called
"Get Rid of All Sucky Sailormoon Sites"
or GRASSS! Ha ha ha ha ha at least the name is so
much more catchier and easier to remember. ALL
purge the ugly!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Name: Leto-chan
Website: Letocities -
a world of Sailormoon
I'm a supporter of the Amazoness Quartet. I'm
also a supporter of Freedom of Speech. ^_^. (We
need capitals, they are important words. ^_^.)
Which means that I'm also a supporter of this
However, I think I'll just explain to you
briefly why most people don't share your way of
Okay, so everyone has probably told you
already but I feel like talking, so... ^_^.
The Amazoness Quartet actually rarely humilate
pages and rarely insult people. They simply
review good and bad pages. They don't review bad
pages unless they really are bad, like pages that
steal heaps of things and pass them off as their
own, pages that have absolutely revolting layouts
and no quality content, etc.
I agree that people have the right to put up a
website, but the thing is, if you reveal a page
to the internet public, you have to be able to
accept criticism as many other people will be
looking at your page. The AQ simply review
websites - not unlike magazines' reviews of
movies and music - so that people will know what
they're going to with a site. They also offer
help for people who may have pages that 'suck'
and celebrate those who've got good ones.
You may think: "Well, what right do they
have to decide what sucks and what
doesn't?!" Well, they are merely their own
opinions and they take responsibility for them. I
do think that people with websites must take
responsibility for the quality of their pages.
There are lots of major problems with page design
that should be obvious, and if a webpage owner
has really taken some care with their page, I'm
sure they wouldn't be targeted by the AQ, who
only review those who really have put little
effort into their site.
I think the main good point of the AQ and
other review groups is that they create a
standard - encourage people to put more effort
into their pages.
I don't think you're humiliating the AQ, I
don't think they really care, but everyone has a
right to an opinion.
As for your image stealing rant... I'm not
sure I can agree with you. I agree that images
belong to those who drew them, and that we should
not claim them as our own. However, the tone of
the rant suggests to me that you are encouraging
people to help themselves to the images of others
and that people have no right to have
images/sounds/videos that are original to their
page alone.
I think that if people help themselves to all
images/sounds/videos and put them on their pages,
it's not a good thing. While it's technically
legal, it's not morally right! It does take
effort to scan and edit good images, and to make
videos. Sounds are fairly easy so I won't comment
on them, except that MIDIs are darned difficult!
If someone has put lots of work into editing
an image, and spent a long time doing it, I think
that people who like that image should not take
it. Lots of people edit images so that their page
will look spruced up and original and it really
takes away from the originality of their page if
many other pages steal from them!
Although legally those images belong to those
who drew them, I believe it's morally wrong to
take things that others have edited without
placing credit or even asking! After all, if you
spent many hours creating an image gallery and
lots of people stole your images so they could be
found on every second page, it means that
nobody's going to take an interest in your
gallery any more even though you put lots of
effort to bring images into it that nobody else
had seen!
Well, that's just my view, and you're entitled
to yours, although I'm not sure that a review
group, that is meant to celebrate originality and
creativity, should support a multimedia
free-for-all. Yeah, it's legal, but that doesn't
mean it's right! But thanks for bearing with me!
May this site always stand strong.
-Leto-chan ^_^.
Name: Supreme Goddess
Website: Good
Sailormoon Webpages for Dummies
Oh goody, my turn to publicly voice my
opinion. First of all, this really isn't
funny. You basically bashed the AQ's
page(although bashing is wrong) without
consideration for their reasons for making that
page. I'd hate to say it, but you seem a bit
hypocritical. I understand your purpose though:
You don't like how the AQ cruelly disses
Sailormoon pages without regard for why
their pages are setup poorly. But then again, you
don't seem to understand the AQ page, and you
went about your purpose the wrong way. You
could've been a little more constructive in your
criticism. Also, the AQ isn't trying to control
the net, they're trying to improve it. Sure,
everyone has the freedom to set their page up
anyway they want, but there is a thing called
*style*. If you see an outfit in a store but it's
too big, has tacky colors and strange buttons in
weird places, will you buy it? No, in fact, I
doubt anyone will. So why would someone want to
visit a page that takes thirteen minutes to load
due to a lot of pics and huge text, and not to
mention that it's hard to read because of a bad
color scheme. There are guidelines to making a
webpage, as there are guidelines to doing most
things. It's like Desktop Publishing. You're
trying to be stylish and catch the reader's
attention. Hmm, am I rambling?
Anyway, as for stealing pics and originality, I
personally look down on stealing. People don't
want to see the same pictures everywhere they go.
And if you want to use someone else's pics, at
least *ask*. What's so hard about e-mailing
someone for permission to use their pics and
waiting a day for a reply? Or if you aren't going
to ask, at least give them credit somewhere on
the page. *shrug* It's common courtesy for
someone else's hard work. And yes I know,
"Those aren't their pics!" Well
they way I look at it it's a way to express your
love for the series and Naoko's personal style(it
*is* a 'fan' page afterall). I'm sure Naoko
doesn't mind that we're using her pics as long as
we don't say "I drew it." Or you could
ask her that yourself. But tell me, if you took
thirty minutes to scan and render a picture from
a manga, set it up on your site and told people
not to take it, then five days later found that
twenty other sites had the same image, you
wouldn't jump for joy would you?
Okay, I think I've used up my time. And anyway,
those are just my opinions. And please
understand where I'm coming from. I understand
your opinion and respect it, and I wouldn't mind
if you *constructively* defended your opinion
against mine(after all, those 300+ IQs must be
good for something, right?), but understand and
respect where *I'm* coming from at least. Well
that's it, have a nice day :P
Name: Mara
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Boston, MA
Time: 1998-05-29 02:33:40
Comments: I agree and disagree with the
other people who have signed this guestbook. This
parody of the Amazoness' page sounds more like
sour grapes than anything else. You use a certain
degree of sarcasm that is way stronger than
necessary. You have stated in your guestbook that
the point of your page is not to humiliate
people, yet you state on your page that it is.
There still hasn't been any clarification given
in that regard. I think that the very existence
of more than one page like the AQ page should be
a huge wake-up call to the SM online community. I
think that their mission to enforce quality
control is a good one, and a well-needed one. The
harshness, while by its very nature of being so,
is also true in most cases, whether the reader
likes it or not. I don't want to tell you what to
do (other than clarifying the purpose of this
page), and I don't agree with the views expressed
on this page. It seems lik you (and others) have
missed the point of the AQ's page, and focused on
trivialities rather than the big issue. If we're
too afraid to step on each other's toes once in a
while, then we're never going to get anything
done. I guess I just have an inherently different
view on that than you guys.
Second, it's not "selfish" to want
to keep one's page original. What's
"selfish" is taking pictures that have
been specifically marked as off-limits. It's
plain old-fashioned courtesy to respect a
person's wishes. Besides, if you look hard
enough, you'll probably be able to find what
you're looking for; on many occasions I've
scanned an image in only to find the same thing
elsewhere; the internet is like that. However,
that comment is geared towards this 'Ruby
Emerald' more than it is to the Ayakashi.
Oh, and as for the reason why people like to
use Japanese phrases in their speech? Yeah, it is
cute and trendy and stuff, but some people (like
me) might be trying to learn the language!! Ja!!
Name: Usako
Website: The Usagi
Hummies... well... where to begin. I guess
I'll start off on the Amazoness Quartet bashing
thing. Well, you act as if they're evil demons
who feast on innocent Sailormoon WebPage makers
:P What they really do, is help people who have
bad pages. They point out the mistakes and what
they could do to help the page. The fact that
they post it for other people to see, helps
webpage makers realize that doing the things they
did is bad. They aren't making webpage rules, but
the things the things they point out about the
pages are obviously bad. Next thing... You say
it's like, okay to steal images, sounds, blah
blah blah... I absoloutely hate it when people
still my images. It's not that I'm being greedy,
but I scanned like, 70 or so images, and that
took me about 4 or 5 hours. I also edditted those
images, and made them look prettier and stuff,
which took me about another 2 hours. When you
spend around 7 hours on images, and you find them
on another page with no credit, this doesn't
exactly make you happy. Granted, I didn't draw
them, but what if you made the image completely
different from the picture you scanned? Doesn't
that count in some way? Next, on MP3s, movies and
such. Granted, people didn't draw the pictures or
compose the music, but they did have the
merchandise to make it. I suppose that's it,
sorry if I babbled on a bit TOO much --; - Usako
Name: Chibinine
Comments: Honestly. I don't really care
if web folks are just starting out, bad sailor
moon web pages have no place on the web. If you
are just starting out, I suggest you get more
info on how to make a web page, and only write
about what you know, not info you got out of any
sailor moon site out there. If you don't have
enough info, talent, or skill, don't make a web
site. The web is not a place to place a site just
for the heck of it, it's a place to give others
information, entertainment, help, and utilities.
If you don't want to do that,then what's the
point of making a site? The Amazoness Quartet are
kindly giving away information about where to
find a well done site, and to teach a lesson to
those who carelessly made a site that was
uninformitave, frustrating, and poorly done. This
is not a flame. It's an opinion.
Name: Electra
Website: Electra's
Spunky Sailormoon Page
Comments: How can you claim to be against
page-bashing when this whole page is based on an
idiotic urge to get vengence on the Amazoness
People scan images to make their page look better
and more original. If they don't want people to
take their images, then people shouldn't. The
internet may be a public domain but there's
somethings called "courtesy" and
"respect" which are just general good
Someone does not spend six hours scanning one
picture. They spend six hours scanning an entire
webpage's worth of new and original pictures.
People do not have "no life" if they
spend lots of time on their webpage either, its
other things you may not be familiar with like
"dedication" and the will to make a
good, original webpage that is not a silly parody
of one of the best pages ever.
Also, the quartet's page was not created to spite
people, like this one. It was created because
there are far too many very bad Sailormoon pages
on the net. And bad pages dont have a lot of hard
work and dedication in them; otherwise they
wouldn't suck.
Name: Ben
Website: Millennium
Comments: Okay, I think this page is
very hypocritical. It seems to claim that dumping
on other pages is wrong when that is exactly what
it is doing itself - dumping on The Worst Sailor
Moon Webpages Ever. If you ever want to be
considered as a serious threat to any of the
webpage reviewing groups, I'd change a few things
so it doesn't sound as if you're coming off as
bad as the rest.
Lastly.. did it ever occur to you that pages like
TWSMWPE existed for a reason? Are people who
steal other people's hours of hard work and
creativity supposed to get away with it? Hell no!
I prefer to think TWSMWPE is doing people a
favour. If you want to make a page about Sailor
Moon that's going to inform, you've got a
responsibility to get your facts straight,
otherwise you're best off making a personal
homepage or one about something else
entirely.Thank you, I've said m'piece.
Name: Xplo
Comments: I think the entire premise of
your site is ridiculous, and your cause is
madness. I don't give a flying F*** how much work
someone puts into their site.. if it sucks, it
sucks, period. Besides which, the extremity of
your parody shows just how ignorant/thoughtless
you really are; I've read the AQ's design
guidelines and they make perfect sense. There ARE
dos and don'ts in web design, and if people would
actually follow them, the quality of the web
would improve. If you're not willing to
acknowledge that, then I don't know how you
expect anyone who knows what they're doing to
take you seriously. According to your FAQ, one of
you has a pretty good web site, but I think your
FAQ is full of it, since if you knew anything
about good web sites, you wouldn't have made a
site just to "humiliate" the AQ.. I say
"humiliate" in quotes because you only
succeed in humiliating yourselves. No doubt the
AQ, if they saw this, would be laughing their
heads off at you. If there's one intelligent
thing in this entire site, it's the lack of an
email address.
Name: MoonBrat
Website: DIRE
- Dic Is Really Evil
Comments: This page's design is pretty
spiffy. I guess that's about the only nice thing
I can say. Now onto everything else... You
criticize the quartet for bashing pages. However,
they are constructive, and have helped many,
including me, with their pages. You say they
inspire fear, but is that bad? If you REALLY fear
them, shouldn't it encourage you to work hard on
your page and not plagurize? I know that when I
had my first page and was a newbie, I was a bit
concerned that they would hate my page. So I
changed it. I actually worked on a design instead
of slapping things on a page like moat of the
other bad pages. I got an original idea, and made
my own images and backgruonds instead of stealing
other people's. And most importantly, I don't
plagurize. I now ask if a person would let me
use, say, a sound file, before I just post it up
on the page, directly linked from the other site.
THe Quartet has taught me a lot about how to make
a page a good page, or at the very least, how not
to make a bad page. Tell me... Is that such a bad