By: The
Ayakashi Sisters Welcome to an
"egotistical" section of our page. This
area will be for more of our holy wisdom we would
like to share with you about trends on the Web,
Sailor Moon, Cows, and Cheese.
If you have been
following our page since today, you will know
this is not really egotistical of us. You haven't
seen egotistical, baby! This is just a bit more
of our laws to abide by.
We have this
section for two reasons. 1) We have knowledge
above and beyond that of normal mortals, and feel
it is our duty to share it with the unenlightened
masses that flock to us and listen to every word
we say. We know we have many followers that come
to our beck and call and are eager to hear more
of our holy word that they may obey it. We don't
have delusions of grandeur, we are living
delusions! 2) Because we can :P
Any little itsy
bitsy commentaries we might make are archived
when we're sick of looking at them. We update
this whenever we feel like it! This is our site,