The Ayakashi Sisters: People to Fear and Worship
We always get along... we do a dance, and then a skit, and then we sing a song...
Cooan is actually the second Cooan. Well, you all know the belief that the youngest is always the spoiled brat, and the brat always gets their way. Cooan would like to get her way (ALL the time she might add) by seeing more of the following in the sea of Sailormoon pages that awaits her: Blinking text, preferably neon, font size 6 (why isn't there more of this?), plagiarization (steal a page if yours isn't good enough!), 5 minute plus downloads with broken images (she has plenty of time, after all, her acting career was cut short now wasn't it?), watered down runny images that have been compressed to the size of a pea (Cooan has no need to squint to decipher such pics, her eyes are slanted this way naturally).
That's just the tip of the iceberg in her opinion, and she sticks her perfectly powdered nose up just a few more notches when presented with entertaining pages (if she wanted to be entertained, she'd turn on her television), pages with correct information and personal opinions (correct info is for BOOKS, not the internet, and opinions are for newspapers), and those dreadfully well thought out layouts that take hours and hours to plan. Who would bother with such a thing when one can slap a few dozen animated gifs together in a bright blue table with a geoeditor? Cooan has said her piece, now where's her blush compact?

"stickycaps, StIcKyCaPs, everywhere, EvErYwHeRe! Except my mascara, thats a no-no."

Beruche is one of the founding members of the Ayakashi Sisters.
So, what is a gorgeous, intelligent, hilarious, talented girl like her doing with an outfit like this? It's all about money and power, baby. You'd be surprised how these bribes add up. And she loves getting to control the masses, having them hang onto her every word and take it as law. It's quite exciting, really.
Beruche detests the DiC Sailormoon and thinks people who prefer it are idiots. The thing that bothers her the most about webpages is when they are packed with beautiful designs. She thinks no one else should be able to have good looking pages. She is the only one, darnit. And she isn't crazy. Really.

"I'm not psycho! I'm an artist! I'm eccentric!... Oooo, pretty butterfly... I am not crazy! Okay?!"

Karabaras is actually the second Karabaras. She's a fairly normal girl who hates being busy with schoolwork and loves having funny and pointless conversations with Beruche. She hates webpages that are full of stuff to download, people with a holier-than-thou attitude (cuz she's holier-than-everyone :), and almost everything else in the world of evil webmasters who cram their webpages with stuff.

"If I had a cent for every time Beruche teased me, I'd have enough to buy the whole world :P"

Petz is the other, better founding member. She enjoys talking in the third person. She likes animated stuff too because she is easily amused by bright, flashy colors. She hates the Japanese SM when compared to the DiC SM; there's just no comparison. The pages she dislikes are those that try to look professional, and act like they know a lot about Sailormoon by putting up correct information. Who do they think they ARE?! She mostly likes pages that confuse people, mix up information, and pass off rumors as facts. It's a great way to avoid spoilers and still not take away from the Sailormoon web experience.

"If I had a potato for every bad Sailormoon page I've seen, I'd have a lot of potatoes."

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