to "The Lamest SM Sites In Existence."
Go to Hell. How many times have you gone to a
web page and wanted to kill the owner because it
was better than yours? Or how many times have you
waited over a minute for the thing to download...
then found out the webmaster obviously had a lot
more talent for graphics than you? I bet you
felt stupid! Almost everyone has seen a site that
excelled above and beyond their own and wished
they had one like that. For instance, you
probably wish you were as cool as we are, since
we are a WPR, after all. And so, we
welcome you to our glorious that will put you in
your tiny little place!
Why did we
make this page?
We are better than
you in many ways; smarter, better looking, more
talented... and wanted to rub it in your face. Oh
yeah, and we go to Sailormoon web sites a lot and
find it amazing to see what is out there. There's
a really whole lotta sites that at least mention
the show, so that's great because you'll never
run out of places to go! Of course, some of those
sites are beneath us and must be ignored. Well,
after we point our fingers and laugh at them and
then share them with you.
I bet a lot of you disagree with our choices. TOO
BAD! This is our divine wisdom being shared with
you. You aren't worthy of us!
Web sites are made to glorify the owner by giving
them the power to decide what information is
correct and what is not, letting them show off
their picture collection, and attempt to crash
your computer. Bad sites actually try to inform
people and the owner clearly spent time
making them look all nice and pretty. This makes
us look bad and we won't have it! We hope to
convert all of you into our mindset and gain you
as our devoted followers for life.
Didn't you notice
we have an FAQ? It's there for a